Year: 2017
Client: Coop
VFX Studio: Fable FX
I was responsible for grooming and creating the look development of the donkey for the Christmas advert of Coop.
Year: 2017
Client: Coop
VFX Studio: Fable FX
I was responsible for grooming and creating the look development of the donkey for the Christmas advert of Coop.
Year: 2017
Client: Coop
VFX Studio: Fable FX
I was responsible for grooming and creating the look development of the donkey for the Christmas advert of Coop.
Gabriela Salmeron
Feather Breakdown
in the bird, guides curves were used to place and deform each feather, linked to controllers in the rig. Feather alignment was established by two locators mapped by custom expressions, setting its Up Vector. A displace attribute was used to ensure that feathers are not overlapping during the animation.

For this breakdown, Arnold and alShaders were used for rendering. Yeti exposes for Arnold three parameters for mapping WUV feather coordinates: feather_param, feather_part and stradu. Using ramps, math and conditional nodes was possible to procedurally create pattern variations for each section of the wing. Another parameter, fur_id, was used for random color variation at some feathers of the body.

All feathers were created using Yeti's feather system and rendered using Arnold. The penguin has three layers of very small feathers, one for the external line of the wings, one for the wing covert and one for the back feathers. It has also a layer of fur that covers the main body and overlap other feather layers. Two shaders were used, one for the feathers and other for the fur. The feather were mapped in both horizontal and vertical aspect, creating the brighter tip that blend with the rest of the feather. Different color patterns were divided using yeti custom render variables, like the wings, back and tail. Jitter Color nodes were used to create fine variation between each feather and each strand of fur. Specular value was also mapped differently for each part of the body using yeti variables.

The vulture has several layers of feathers that interact directly with the rigging system. It has controllers to align each feather according to its joint, bending and custom variables that control the open and close movement, ensuring that there will be no overlap between the layers of feathers. There are several variations of feather textures, mapped to each respective layer to create a natural look for the wings. On the topping, a fine layer o fur covers the body to fill the volume.

Created at Consulado in 2015
Client: Havainas
Yeti feathers, fur and shading